Tuesday, October 24, 2006

In which two gay cowboys mumble their way through a whole movie

Yep, I'm talking about Brokeback Mountain. I'm a bit behind on the movie-watching front, but at last I've caught up with this one.

Mumbling aside, it was actually a really good movie. I didn't actually like Ennis and Jack until towards the end though, twenty years after the start of their affair and still no closer to having a life together. It was probably seeing Ennis make love to his wife Alma, and then flip her over so he could...y'know...that kind of put me off him. It was the look of anticipated physical pain on Alma's face that did it.

But by the time those two had spent twenty years going on fake "fishing" trips together, repressing their emotions in that manly way and understandably adrift from their respective wives, I did feel sad for them. So much waste, of love and of time.

The boy even got a little wet around the eyes (actually I was surprised he sat and watched it with me in the first place!), and that's got to say something.


Anonymous said...

If I had to watch that movie I'd be crying to, ha,ha..

Violet said...

yes you would, because it's a sad story :-)

Watson Woodworth said...

I haven't been able to watch it because it seems like "The City and The Pillar", Gore Vidal's tale of unrequited male love (Which he later wove into the screenplay to Ben Hur), with cowboys instead of rich kids.
Way too depressing. I'm sure I'll end up seeing it though. Only then I would be seeing it out West.

Violet said...

charlotte: I've always found it hard to get into any movie screened on a plane, so that could be it.

nigel patel: I didn't know about Gore Vidal's book and Ben Hur. But the fact that the boy teared up during Brokeback Mountain - the last movie that affected him that way was Gladiator...

Lumpyheadsmom said...

I saw it late, too, and totally needed the English subtitles on the DVD.