Saturday, September 03, 2005

my poor mum

I felt a little bad for my mum today. She's been trying to help me out by making me special post-childbirth foods, as well as food in general, and is hampered by her lack of mobility.

Since her fall three or four months ago, she's been fearful of getting on buses by herself, and she doesn't drive. She seems to have trouble asking her friends to either drive her over to my house or to accompany her on the bus, and my brother is really busy with his own family stuff.

So - she makes all these special soups, full of scary looking fungi, and ends up giving it away because she can't get it over here while it's nice and fresh. I'd offer to go and pick it up myself, but of course I'm supposed to stay indoors for another week and a half. I could ask the boy to go and pick it up I suppose, but he works so hard during the week that I'm really loathe to ask him to drive out there after work.

I don't particularly believe in the usefulness of her soups and ginger preserves, but I do know she's trying to help out as much as she can. If only my Cantonese were much better, I'd try and tell her this myself rather than just blog about it in English.


Happy and Blue 2 said...

It sucks that she is having problems getting around. My Mom is the same. Well not with making scary soups but getting around..

Violet said...

eb:Yeah you’re probably right. Thanks for the offer, but it isn’t exactly on your way anywhere is it?

happyandblue2:It must be really frustrating not being able to get around. I'm getting to experience it a little first hand...

glomgold said...

A lack of mobility would just send me into a state of deep depression.
I'm a little iffy with some o' that fungi but I assume since it's so creepy it must be good for me.

Violet said...

glomgold: the fungus in question is thick, black and looks like kelp. Not so appetising...