Saturday, January 15, 2005

a frolic at the beach

Being the gorgeous day that it is, today seemed the perfect day to venture out to one of the nearby beaches. First we had to make a shopping trip to replace our mop (so that the boy would finally have no excuse to put off cleaning the kitchen floor), buy a new cover for the ironing board (so that ironing clothes would result in removing creases and not creating extra ones) and a large saw (to cut away the branches from Noisy Neighbour's tree, which are crowding out my poor wee lemon tree). Chores done, it was down to the nearest beach to get our feet wet in the surf.

The wind sure was up. The walk down to the water's edge was like a stroll past a row of sandblasters. But once we got there, it was just what I wanted - warm water lapping over my bare feet, with the occasional threat of getting the bottom of my trousers wet.

No chance of going in above the ankles though - the water around here is absolutely freezing all year 'round.

1 comment:

Violet said...

I've never been to Montreal but the photos I seen give me the impression it's a really lovely city. I have tried Montreal smoked meat though (in Vancouver) and it was really good.

Must be a little frozen over in those parts, eh?