Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Back to productivity

My break is coming to a close, with deadlines of two as-yet-unstarted assignments looming, so it's time to crank my intellect into gear again. It's been out of action for a seemingly huge stretch of time (DVD-watching is no brain strain), and of course being sick tends to limit my thoughts to the objective of obtaining comfort-food. But all that will have to change starting from today.

For today is officially After The New Year, which means that my Art of the Book lecturer might actually answer all the questions that students have sent her via email and the discussion list. It also means that I can get hold of a university reference librarian at long last, to help me find past theses on NZ Chinese print culture and possibly some examples of past LIS research proposals. And it means that, now that the government offices are open again, I can go to the National Library to look at their entire collection of NZ Chinese newspapers and newsletters.

In other words, I can start work on my assignments. I have a little over five weeks to produce a 2500-word research proposal (though I haven't done the course on research methods yet, and have never done a thesis of any sort), and a 1000-word review of an on-line exhibition (whatever that is), so - no more excuses.

Is that stress I feel creeping up behind me?


Jon said...

Oh no! But all good things come to an end, I'm afraid. Time to hit the books! *cracking whip*

Violet said...

*cracking whip* ? Are you trying to make it sound fun? ;-)