Thursday, September 02, 2004

Ten things to do before I die

Usually it's 'Things to do before I turn 30' or something, but I figure I may as well (hopefully) give myself a bit more time...

1. Travel Europe and the UK again
2. Have a home which is warm even in winter
3. Have a child
4. Own an evening jacket which goes with an evening outfit and evening shoes
5. Be able to express exactly why I like a particular film or book (currently I just say it's the coolest thing ever)
6. Exhibit my paintings (and be happy with them)
7. Write something really really well
8. Something scary and brave, like save someone's life
9. Learn to ski
10.Understand abstract art


z said...

just refering to the last one there, it aint going to be abstract if u understand it. it would be called abstract when there are multiple interpretations

Violet said...

I don't completely agree with you there - even figurative art can have multiple meanings. My definition of abstract art is that which does not obviously represent objects from real life. B
ut thanks for your thoughts :-)

Pickwick said...

5, 7 and 8. Ooh yeah!

Matthew said...

#3 you'll have to do before you are 29 and 3 months. The secret to abstract art is that it is abstract and is meaningless showing off of technique.

Violet said...

Oh poo - I'm too late then! Seriously Matthew, how do you arrive at the unsettlingly specific age of 29 years and 3 months?

As for your comment on abstract act being no more than artists showing off their technical skills - I would have thought that the best way to do that was to produce photo-realistic paintings. I think what I meant about understanding abstract art was that I want to be able to appreciate it on an intellectual level rather than on a gut-level (i.e. pretty colours, that sort of thing)