Friday, July 30, 2004

sorry we have no books about feminism and beauty

I tried to help a couple of schoolgirls yesterday, who wanted to find information on cosmetic surgery and why women do it; I thought Susan Faludi's Feminist Backlash and Naomi Woolf's Beauty Myth would be really useful.  I was a little embarrassed, but mostly shocked when I couldn't find either title in the library catalogue.  So you can bet there'll be no copies of anything by Camille Paglia either.  I had to send the girls away with books on cosmetic surgery aimed at people who've decided to get something done anyway. 

On the other hand, we do have a book on sex for old people - what is the PC term for that anyway, senior sex?  The twenty-somethings amongst us thought the whole idea was just disgusting, while I personally thought it meant I'd have something to look forward to.

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