Wednesday, May 12, 2004

slave driver wanted

During the winter, the branch library is staffed by two people during the evenings - that's me and Sue. It's quite a nice change to be working with just one other person, and because I'm an Information person and she's a Circulation person I get to be the shift leader. I've come to realise that she's been expecting - no, wanting - me to keep her busy. At first, when she mentioned how busy other shift leaders kept her, I thought she was complaining. I actually quite like the quiet periods because that's when I get to surf the Internet (to look for potential links for the library web site of course) and check out the book and magazine collections. But last night we were both busy; culling books for rotation back to the central library,looking for missing books, serving customers etc. She was pretty happy about it, too. So it looks as though I'm going to be a real taskmaster. This morning, Sue told me I was a slave driver - I took it as a complement.

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