Saturday, May 08, 2004

Ear wax begone!

It's been a couple of months since I was told by a doctor (not my usual one) that my ears were 95% and 90% full of wax, respectively. I didn't feel deaf, though occasionally I'd mishear someone so badly they got all exasperated and impatient with me. Being a nice girl who doesn't like to annoy people, I decided I'd better make an appointment to get them syringed.

That was two weeks ago. I started using that wax-dissolving stuff for a few days, then rang the clinic to make an appointment for the Saturday. Unfortunately, I couldn't get an appointment for that day. It had to be a Saturday, since during the week I work in another city, so I’d have to wait for the following Saturday. This meant I had another week and a half of using the wax-dissolving stuff in my ears. You see, that stuff fills up my ear cavities and makes me even deafer.

The day came for the syringing, and lo and behold their syringe gun was out of order. I must have looked really disappointed, because the doctor took pity on me and spent the next hour patiently scraping my ears and syringing them with a 50 ml (normal) syringe. My God, those bits of wax were ugly. And big.

And suddenly I could hear everything, from the squawks of the kiddies in the waiting room several doors down to the slight squeak of the nurse’s shoes on the floor.

Apparently, my ears produce far more wax than normal and I should get them cleaned out 2-4 times a year. How come no doctor has ever told me this before???

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