Thursday, November 20, 2003

I know that Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the tv series) is over, kaput, done with....
but I'm still a fan because:

1. one of the heroes is a librarian
2. it has great female characters (all of them, even the role of Dawn)
3. it manages to (just barely) reconcile science with superstition
4. the plots are never boring

Here is a cool site which has no doubt been around since the series started, called Slayage.tvwhich is full of interesting discourse on the plots, characters etc.

I found it in the book 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy' (ed James B South).

This book turned me on to philosophy as a subject and I've since started reading 'Philosophy for Dummies' (by someone completely different and it has no relation to any tv series as far as I know'

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